Thursday, November 15, 2007
How to Save Over $1,000 this Heating Season
Watch the video
Woodbridge Clean Energy Initiative Seminar Series
The WCEI Task Force is pleased to offer a year-long seminar series. These presentations take two forms, a) presentations by experts in a particular energy field with commentary by knowledgeable town residents, and, 2) movies on an environmental energy theme followed by discussion. These seminars will be the third Thursday of each month starting on November 15, 2007 at 7 PM and will run for 12 months. Town residents are invited to attend free of charge. The sessions will be held at:
The Center School Building,
4 Meeting House Lane, Woodbridge
in the CAFÉ in the basement
Refreshments to be provided.
Why we are hosting these presentations:
Like hundred of cities and towns across America, Woodbridge is committed to saving energy, thereby reducing its energy bills and lowering its environmental impact. In addition, the town has met its commitment to the CT Clean Energy Communities program of purchasing 20% of its energy from renewable sources. The Town now buys 25% of its energy from wind power, a source whose price has fallen dramatically in recent years. The more consumers demand clean energy, the more prices can decline as developers build more projects to meet rising demand.
The town of Woodbridge is committed to combating global climate change and helping its residents save money. The WCEI is chartered to educate Woodbridge town residents on the need for reducing our consumption of energy and to help us curb global climate change. See: for the WCEI Mission Statement.
SIGN UP for Clean Energy NOW!
Step One: Download the sign up form
Step Two: Complete the form with your UI POD # (this is not your UI account #)
Step Three: Implement the WCEI conservation actions to offset the slight increased cost of purchasing Clean Energy from Renewables
Clean energy – it’s real, it’s here, it’s working.
Friday, November 9, 2007
WCEI Speakers Series
Date, Topics, Presenter, Description
Nov 15: The CT Clean Energy Communities Program – Keri Enright, Smart Power. How Woodbridge is saving money and helping to lessen global climate change.
Dec 20: Save $500 this Heating Season – Invest in Conservation – Jonathan Gorham, Co-founder Cornerstones Energy Group, developed first computerized, utility sponsored residential energy audits in the USA, 1978.
Jan 17: Movie # 1 “The Warming of Connecticut” – More Info.
Discussion to follow.
Feb 21: Tapping Solar Energy – Solar Thermal or Solar Electric? Pros and Cons Andy Danzig, Woodbridge resident with solar photovoltaics on his home and a solar installation company, to be announced.
March 22: Movie # 2: “Installing Solar PV arrays in the Kingdom of Bhutan”, Solar Electric Light Fund, Washington DC. Discussion to follow.
April 17: Sustainable Living - Learn about sustainability in your home and business
May 15: Green Teams House Warming: How can twenty simple conservation actions costing less than $100 can save you $10,000 over five years?
June 19: Alternative Fuel Options – From Biomass to Bio-Willie – Can the Promise be Fulfilled? By Jon Gorham, Co-founder SunEthanol, an alternative fuels company.
July 31: Movies # 4: “KiloWatt Ours” a plan to re-energize America”. More Info. Discussion to follow.
August 21: Wind Power and How Woodbridge is Savings Money from this Renewable Energy Source. Speaker to be announced. More Info
Sept 18: Movie # 5: “Power Shift”, narrated by Cameron Diaz. The film examines vital energy issues and suggests ways that students can create a sustainable future. More Info
Oct 16: Geo-Thermal Energy. How the Earth’s Energy Can Heat Your Home. Speaker to be announced.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Be part of the Solution. Sign up now!
Download the following two forms to find out how you can participate:
Sign up for clean energy (.pdf)
Terms and Conditions (.pdf)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Resolution of the Woodbridge BOS
WHEREAS, Electricity production is the leading cause of industrial air pollution in the united states of which Woodbridge residents are exposed to resulting in a variety of health risks including cases of asthma especially in children; and
WHEREAS, The U.S. energy needs are expected to grow by 33% over the next 20 years and clean technologies can be generated and distributed right in the U.S.; and
WHEREAS, Clean energy resources – such as wind and solar energy – constantly replenish themselves, do not cause the buildup of global warming gases and health-damaging pollutants, and if properly managed, will be available to serve our energy needs forever; and
WHEREAS, The 20% by 2010 Campaign is a Connecticut not-for-profit initiative that undertakes efforts to encourage community action in support of putting Connecticut’s consumers on a path to having 20% of their electricity supply come from clean, renewable energy sources by the year 2010; and
WHEREAS, The Board of Selectmen has endorsed the goals of the 20% by 2010 Campaign;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Selectmen encourage the residents and commercial establishments in the Town of Woodbridge to investigate and consider the purchase of renewable energy source electricity toward the goal of 20% by 2010; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town staff explore the options for meeting the goal of purchasing 20% of energy needs from clean energy sources by the year 2010 including purchasing REC’s (Renewable Energy Certificates), local clean energy installations and possible state and federal funding opportunities.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Our Mission
The Town of Woodbridge is officially a Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Community that has agreed to develop and execute programs to ensure that at least 20% of the town’s municipal and household energy comes from renewable sources by 2010. The Woodbridge Clean Energy Initiative (WCEI) is a task force of volunteer town residents that has been established by the Board of Selectmen to assist the town in reaching this goal. In addition, WCEI seeks to inspire and teach children and their families about conservation and the use of renewable energy resources.
The WCEI believes that the town can save money and serve as a role model by conserving energy and using renewable energy resources. The WCEI will work with the town to develop and execute programs to reach the following goals:
- Have over 300 households sign up for the clean energy option on their electric bill by May 1, 2008.
- Provide information and programs to teach people about conservation and new energy technology.
- Facilitate the installation of solar collectors on municipal buildings. Some of these will be funded from state grants.
- Help the town officials and employees to be more aware of conservation options and facilitate the implementation of a Woodbridge energy plan
- Increase the awareness of Amity and Beecher students, and inspire them and their families to conserve energy and recycle household goods.
- Stimulate citizen demand for more renewable energy for electricity, heating and transportation purposes.